Sunday, August 6, 2023

Morning Sky

The captivating morning sky

tips its hat to Maxfield Parrish 

in the New Mexico way

not as softly fluffy 

pale streaks light of the newly risen sun

in the assertive clouds 

hinting at monsoon

over this sere August 

ground dry as an old set of bones

awaiting another painter 

Georgia O’Keefe knew the skeleton 

of this place 

we are defined by escarpment and sky

the birds know it well

as do the grasshoppers and mosquitoes 

coyote and mountain lion

say humans will one day 

give it all back 

to those here first 

wretched nightshade will take over the asphalt 

in an Armageddon of plant assertion

only the sky and silhouette of mesa

will look as it does now

bold and certain in every season