Friday, November 29, 2024
Yesterday Was Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 17, 2024
The Wounded World
When Justice redefined itself as Peril
Leaves lying in red and yellow splendor
on the river
sank to the bottom to become silt
Whitest snow fell early
snuggled against doors and windows
closing off sunlight bearing tales of deep winter
When Tolerance redefined itself as Zero
pages of the dictionaries caught fire
amidst cries of spontaneous combustion
weapons began polishing themselves
for who would dare touch them
Love became Lost
Hope became Fear
in the seasons of triumph for those who no longer acknowledged people as people
if they were not born in the right place
Where oh where are you
author of goodness
Someone said they traded it all for Peace
Did you awaken in darkness
teeth clenched
tears leaking from the corners of your eyes
Did you ask
where is my cape?
where is my light saber?
where are all my very best words?
Friday, November 15, 2024
Why Poetry
I belong to the shoulder seasons
those times of luminance wherein the air changes colors
We each have our place
those boot resting niches
If we can each see ourselves
in the twilight in the fullness of the moon
wherever despite the brightest sunlight
there are no shadows
If we can shout our amazement
at the blackened eclipsed sun
we might find our peculiar truths
we might rediscover those parts of self we dropped on the way to this place
When you look into the waters of the breaking waves
there is no reflection
unlike the face that looks back from still dark ponds
What has changed contains outlooks not to be set aside
not now
on these times of uncertainty and vast confusion
where we stand on the same brink of what lies ahead
mostly convinced we are each elsewhere