Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Can you hear this?

There is so much noise 

in the room

you must yes you truly must 

go outside into the twilight

there where light is fading

there where the loud voices are shut away

there you will hear what is going on 

you will hear weeping

voices of mothers whose children 

are dying

dying because promised help is not coming 

this is all you can hear 

Go on up the hill

where you hear the lamenting

voice of the saxophone 

losses lining the horizon 

Do you dimly see

birds of prey 

sharpening their beaks

as their talons sink into what was once ours

& carry it off beyond our horizons

Do you think this is a prelude to greatness? 

Do you think help is on the way 

like those mothers did?

Are you ready for the storm or do you think you are the storm?

The sky is not falling

the earth is not opening to swallow you 

it is only the end of the chapter 

the question you must ask

No you really must ask

What is the name of the chapter? 

How many episodes are there? 

Is this really the end of the United States? 

And when will we know? 

Is it too late? 

The plaintive saxophone 

there on your sidewalk 

at dusk

asks the question 

Is it too late?

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Carnival Season

Why would two feather boas

having their own parade in soft winter light

matter to the day?

11° Fahrenheit this morning

signals the ice will not melt 

despite blue skies and sunshine

Inside dogs are sprawled on the furniture 

morning ruckus over

sunlight turns glossy aglaonema leaves

translucent as stained glass 

Guitar music from the practice room

fills the house 

wild geese beat wings in formation 

past leafless cottonwoods 

Despite these peaceful indulgences intransigent problems 

assert themselves at peripheries

but time has shown 

even they will be consumed by inexorable change

The oak does not show buds 

with so much winter to go 

it waits in stasis 

last spring’s growth turned hard

its sap will awaken 

deep in the ground its roots interact 

with mychorrhizae

this relationship has persisted 400 million years 

Imbolc Ostera Beltane 

ancestral celebrations of winter dissolving

some future people will have other names

for the times that are yet to come

when humans’ history persists 

alongside the roots of trees

no longer ours

What will we become

will there be a we

wherein we can hear our dogs’ thoughts

in words 

understand what the winds say

when we release the wild rivers

build habitats of perpetual spring

for those in need of them 

celebrate winter shouting songs as we glide around mounds of snow 

Will we be those people?