Friday, April 12, 2024

Things They Say

 Live your life as if it is the only life 

Drink the Negroni - drink two

Buy the boots - those red boots with the stitching

Show up for the eclipse 

Drive that convertible

Swim in the ocean every chance you get

Shake the pebbles out of your shoes

Learn the names of trees

Raise your expectations like kites in the breeze

Live in a way that you trust yourself to do right

Find laughter

Stomp in piles of fall leaves

The list goes on forever 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Old style love

 Love in the crumbling years

brings to mind those trees with gnarled trunks

their skin cracked 

branches gone leaving nature hewn resting places

sparrows alight there 

life sap finding its way through old twigs 

feeding new green leafing out

Old trees their roots entwined

having shared their stories

each wind inspires their dance

that dance never grows old

Amid the surface roots poppies grow

mosses appreciate damp dewed mornings

moonlight lost amongst the shared canopy 

tells tales of wandering the sky

there to observe the building of pyramids and canals 

Telling us this

time might well be infinite

as love 


What to do with secrets


A poem a day for the poetry month of April

The sky at first appearance gray as any white car

left out of doors for a dry season

collecting a layer of dust

then as you look longer

the sky becomes more like marble

irregular white above gray

where closer to the light cast by the sun there is brilliance

Today is cold spring without ice here near the river 

while a few miles north a fresh blanket of snow lies over everything 

here overnight grape leaves have opened a full inch

lilac buds though like sleepy eyes trying to stay closed

It is said it will freeze again here this month

if so today is a warning to still tight buds to wait

there is a time for casting aside caution 

a time for revealing what is closely held  

or to hold back a bit longer

As for secrets

your people might think them delicious 

until they swallow them and discover they are thorns

better ground into dust and swept out with detritus 

of all used up things
