Friday, April 8, 2022

April 8 2022

 Within the archive of the familiar

there are treasures

there was a time when I trusted the world more

maybe you did too 

This image is from then 

the before times 

when even the skies 

were painted with optimism 

I saw myself then

an image captured 

resting in the vault 

my colors had not yet faded

face rounded not yet gaunt

There had been wretchedness before

Ellen’s brother killed in Khe Sahn 

my father, death rolling over him as he lay on the old sofa

savage blows to the heart before I was old enough to vote

Now I can see backwards 

around corners 

see when I believed we could change the world 

see when I believed we could choose better futures 

What remains after all that came before

is this

you and I, we write our own story 

yes, our lives happen around us

there is much beyond our touch

and yet and still

when we choose the words to say what we are

the entire language is spread before us

In the song we sang

words described us lifting our feet up

setting them down hard 

stomping the grapes of wrath into wine

truth marching on

to overcome

that is our one job

our reward, the ineffable natural world

where twice a day the sky is alight

where mighty trees bloom out in cascades of tiny flowers

laughter has no words

hope lives 

love conquers 

peace is finding a way 


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